First off but not soon forgotten, Oshun took the time to answer some questions for BSG.
BSG: You discovered your passion for hair at age 10. How long have you been actually cutting hair? Has your passion increased or waned since your experience on Shear Genius?
Oshun: 21 years i've been cutting, my passion has not changed being on the show, but i will show the world my hair cutting skills thats what going to happen
BSG: What did you think of the "celebrities" in the elimination challenge? Would you have preferred to work with a different cartoon character if you had the choice?
Oshun: I love Mrs. Jaclyn she is the best, But Kim Vo he is a wash i will drown him in hair, really I'm oshun will not let the low tide of the show stop my oshun front! the cartoon character was not the issue it was the models hair condition and the time was the real problem.
Click here to read the rest of our interview with Oshun!
Monday, June 30, 2008
BSG Interview with Oshun
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Bravo Shear Genius Fan Challenge
Saturday, June 28, 2008
David Dust posts some deep thoughts about Episode 1.
New recapper Snicks was a Shear Genius virgin....
Eric 3000 was all like, ugh, whatever, and now he's all like, fantastic!
Cliff's recap alludes to Avery Shreiber, Nipsy Russell, Bobby Brown, and Crystal Gayle and includes a pre-cap of the entire season.
The inimitable TLo offers their thoughts on Drag Queen Hair and Lady Bird Johnson.
And theminx discusses Danish pastries, among other things.
Poll Results for Episode 1
Our poll results are in for Episode 1 and you told us your opinions. In our "Who Should Have Won" poll, you disagreed with the judges and thought that Parker had the best interpretation of a cartoon character. In the "Who Should Have Been Cut" poll, you agreed that Oshun needed to go. You can click on each of the pictures to see how you voted.
Poetry Contest
Because Oshun was so fond of rhyme, I was inspired to write a little something for him. And if you are so inclined, we invite you to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and compose a rhyme in honor of the poetical stylist. Send your poetry to BSG and we'll post 'em here! We'll choose the best and the winner will get a Blogging Shear Genius t-shirt!
The rules: profanity! That's about it! You can submit any sort of poem you'd like: limerick; freeform; haiku; sonnet. Have fun!
Ode to an Oshun
The man, a fan
of rhyming words
with his own name.
Emmy nominated
for hair (but not Hair).
Showed us what he can do
with scissors.
Can he cut
or will he
be cut?
Blindfold disaster
comes in last place.
Not deterred,
he tries again
with Lucy
who calls him a blockhead.
So long Oshun
man with the motion and
the potion
That final cut was indeed
your last.
Friday, June 27, 2008
From the Mailbag
Seacoast Online has an article on Jaclyn Smith and Shear Genius.
KREN CW News has a short interview with Jaclyn.
There's an interview with Parker and Dee in the Miami Herald.
And Kim Vo will be appearing at the International Beauty Show in Las Vegas, Nevada June 28-30, 2008.
Shear Genius Nexxus Salon
Production designer Dave Blass was kind enough to share his designs for the gorgeous Nexxus salon in which we see the stylists compete on season 2 of Shear Genius.
Aren't they impressive? Many thanks, Dave, for sharing these with BSG! And thanks to Shauna Aronson for art direction and Kenny Davis for set decoration. You all did a fantastic job!
Episode One Recap
Want to see the entire episode but don't have access to Bravo? Click here
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Oshun Talks
Oshun has a lot to say about being the first to go home!
Poll - Episode 1 - Your Turn to Be the Judge
We saw the hair that the stylists created and now it is your turn to weigh in on the results. This week you get to be Jaclyn Smith, Kim Vo, Kelly Atterton, and Neeko.
Polling is closed. Click here to see the results.
Hair shown from top left. Row 1: Charlie, Daniel, Dee, Gail. Row 2: Glenn, Matt, Meredith, Nekisa. Row 3: Nicole, Oshun, Paolo, Parker
Congratulations, Daniel!
You created a modern-day interpretation of Wilma Flintstone with a gorgeous red color and a fabulous shape. It was elegant, sexy, and FUN!
This post is ONLY for positive words for Daniel or for his interpretation of Wilma's 'do. Any other thoughts belong in our Reactions post here.
BSG Love for Oshun
You were asked to create an interpretation of the hairstyle of a classic cartoon character. You put together an up-do that was Lucy-esque, but not enough for the judges. You are deep, and we wish we could have had the opportunity to see farther into those depths.
Note: Only positive comments on this post, please! Any other thoughts belong in our Reactions post here.
BSG Posting Guidelines
Welcome one and all to the BSG community. Many of you have joined us here from Blogging Project Runway and we hope you will find BSG just as fun. It is important to our team to maintain the same level of integrity and respect for each other that we have worked hard to cultivate at BPR. We ask that everyone commenting on our site to please follow these guidelines to help make BSG a place we can all be proud of:
- Please do not use our comments as a venue to pick a fight or bully other commenters. We have a very low tolerance for in-fighting. We are all friends here.
- We have a special affinity to the stylists on the show and support them whether they are the first ones to make their "final cut" or the Grand Prize Winner. Please be polite, no name calling. We expect family members of the designers will be reading your comments as well and we would like this to be a safe haven for them to contribute to the discussion.
- No vulgarity, please. Several of our team members have young children that read our blogs and we don't want to be ashamed of anything appearing here.
- Once you have stated your opinion, you do not have to continue reaffirming it. If someone else has another opinion just let it be. We like seeing all of the different opinions - all are valid and important to BSG. If everyone agreed on everything, our blog would be boring.
- No spoilers! Speculation is fine but please, if you think you "know" something ahead of time, keep it to yourself so as not to spoil it for those who don't want to know.
- No links in your comments, please. If you have something to share with the community please e-mail it to the team. Just as each designer has a "point of view," so does BSG. Please allow us to choose what items to feature.
- Please stay on topic. If the post is titled "Congratulations Stylist A!" don't use it as a forum to bash Stylist B.
We don't expect you to agree with all of these guidelines, but we do ask that you adhere to them. Although we don't pre-screen your comments we do read every one. We may edit and/or delete any comment we find in violation of our guidelines.
So, once again, welcome and thanks for joining us. We are very excited about Shear Genius and look forward to making new friends!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Reactions to Episode 1
The first episode had an amusing twist. Post your reactions to Episode 1 here.
Episode 1 Party!
Greetings Shear Genius fans and welcome to BSG's first-ever live viewing party! Crossover readers from Blogging Project Runway and Blogging Top Design know the drill: in the comments below this post, fans from across the country chime in as we watch Episode 1 together.
The cover charge is free and we only ask that you bring your best snark to the BSG party room. Everyone is welcome, so come on in!
Poll Results - Who You Think Will be in the Finals
We asked you to select the Shear Genius Season Two Stylists that you think are going to be finalists. The poll results are in and we now present the top three:
Glenn Mitchell got 36% of the vote; Nicole got 31%, and Daniel had 21%! Tied for fourth place with 14% each were Charlie, Dee, Nekisa, & Paolo. How well did you do?
Well this is pretty exciting, isn't it? Tonight we celebrate the premiere of Shear Genius Season 2 as Charlie, Daniel, Dee, Gail, Glenn, Matthew, Meredith, Nekisa, Nicole, Oshun, Parker and Paulo square off for $100K, a feature in Allure Magazine and the title of "Shear Genius"!
Tbone will be in the house tonight hosting a live viewing party beginning at 9:00 p.m. Eastern. Come join us as and snark away as we watch the Season 2 premiere together.
Meanwhile, don't miss this great field report from Trish the Dish who attended the Shear Genius Blowout event in Manhattan yesterday. The students from New York's School of Visual Arts did an amazing job designing the chairs used at the event, make sure to check them out and vote for your favorite.
Thank God It's Wednesday!
From the Mailbag
Jaclyn Smith will be appearing on Fox's Morning Show with Mike and Julia today at 9AM EDT!
Here's an interview with Dee Adams on AfterEllen.
...and a feature on Dallas-area stylists and Shear Genius contestants Matthew Tully and Daniel Lewis in the Star-Telegram.
Vote For Your Favorite Chair
As mentioned in Blogging Shear Genius' Field Reporter Trish's post on the festivities in Times Square yesterday, you can vote on your favorite salon chair from the event, designed by students at New York's School of Visual Arts. Go here to vote!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Shear Genius in Times Square
NYC-based Field Reporter Trish O'Shea covered the Shear Genius event in Times Square. Thanks very much Trish! Photo courtesy of WireImage.
The cast of Shear Genius 2 got their introduction to stardom today - right in the heart of NYC's theater district!
Bravo held its Shear Genius 2 kick-off event this afternoon on the "Military Island" in Times Square. Now, for those of you who don't know where that it - watch "Good Morning America" or MTV's "Total Request Live". Those small islands in the middle of the street where people try to get seen on TV ? Yup that's it!
I took the bus into the city from New Jersey this morning with my boyfriend Keith, who does the commute every day. Since he has to be at work downtown at 10, I figured the timing would work out perfectly (I wanted to get there early.) After a great breakfast at the famous Junior's restaurant, I wandered over to the island, where I saw the set being built. I walked over to introduce myself and take a few pictures, but I noticed that my camera batteries were running low so I walked up the block to buy new ones. I was only gone about 15 minutes but when I returned, a crowd had gathered and the place was PACKED!
Click here to continue.
Shear Genius on Today!
Jaclyn, Kim, and Rene were on the Today Show to discuss Season Two of Shear Genius.
WARNING: Contains spoilers! Watch at your own risk ;)
From the Mailbag
The Advocate has an interview with Jaclyn Smith, discussing Shear Genius, life as a businesswoman, and Charlie's Angels.
Here's an article on Glenn Mitchell on Huntsville, Alabama's WHNT-TV 19 site.
Dee got a cute shout out on Latina blog Guanabee.
Got news on a Shear Genius stylist or one of the judges? Drop BSG a line!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Have a Shear Genius House Party!
This may be cutting it close, but I just found this Bravo promotion about hosting a Shear Genius party.
Let us know if you participate and win!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Episode One Preview
There aren't really any spoilers in the video, but if you really don't want to see what's going on before Wednesday's premiere, you may want to skip this one!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Who Will Be the Finalists?
At this point we little to go on; we have the Bravo bios, a few moments of video and a few articles to explore. Why not start making predictions now?
You can vote every day, for as many designers as you like. Why, it really doesn't get less scientific! We will reveal your choices on June 25th, the day of the premiere.
Friday, June 20, 2008
From the Mailbag
Season One's Tabatha Coffey is getting her own Bravo show - Tabatha's Takeover. Here's an article from The Sydney Morning Herald comparing her to chef Gordon Ramsay.
Also, Jaclyn Smith will be inducted as this year's Achievement Award Honoree at the 12th Annual World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA) at Universal CityWalk, July 19 - 27. More information can be found at the WCOPA site.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
One Day Salon Event!
Bravo is having a one day salon event in New York on the eve of the Shear Genius premiere, Tuesday, June 24th. See the invite above for details.
If anyone attends and has his or her hair done by one of the SG stylists, please drop us an e-mail and let us know about your experience!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Interview with Jaclyn and Kim
Jaclyn Smith and Kim Vo took time out of their busy schedules recently to answer some questions. BSG was lucky enough to be able to participate in this conference call! Here are some of the highlights of the conversation.
Jaclyn on being a host, and her expectations of Shear Genius:
It was difficult at first. I’d never done reality TV. It was rather daunting and frightening because it’s not like just taking a character and creating it…and fine-tuning it. You are on the spot at all times. And you have to be very present. And it was challenging. But I must say the second time around it was easier and I had fun. And…I love the challenge of it, I really enjoyed it. I really didn’t know what to expect…I just wanted to have fun. I wanted to be challenged. And believe me, the first season I was challenged. And then now I’m on the second season and…it’s just another whole world.
I had fun both times but being in the moment and being spontaneous, and not getting so emotionally involved with all the stylists, it’s difficult for me.
Jaclyn on the show and Season Two:
I think in these challenges what’s very interesting and why I was attracted to this type of show that Bravo does because it is about talent, but it isn’t just about the technical talent. It’s about the mind and how you handle the stress of a particular challenge because they’re under such time restraints. I mean, to do all - color, cut and style - in two hours is difficult. So it is the mental capacity to be under that type of stress. It’s not always to the very finest in color, the very finest in cut. It’s who can really complete that challenge without letting the stress overtake you.
The second season is a very cohesive group. They really got along. There was unbelievable bonding between them. Yes, everybody wanted to win but they were also pulling for each other which I thought was admirable. I like that because I think more talent comes out when you are not so desperate to win something.
Kim on the next hair icon:
You know who I’m in love with right now is Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cut, how she’s wearing it… a little below the shoulders. She cut off all that long hair and she’s wearing it a little bit wavy. It’s just sliced in [the back], but it’s a little beveled so it’s not such a blunt bob. And I definitely see very natural wavy hair coming back, definitely for summer and into the fall.
Click here to read the rest of the interview.
From the Mailbag
There's a cute article on Denver's Charlie Price in the Rocky Mountain News.
Stylist to the stars Kim Vo has given client Britney Spears a new look! Read all about it. (If anyone finds a pic of said new 'do, we'd love to see it!)
Shear Genius mentor Rene Fris attended the Samsung Four Seasons of Hope Charity Gala. Four Seasons of Hope supports community-based foundations and charities headed by some of this country's favorite sports legends. Samsung pledges to raise national awareness and funds for these outstanding charities and to identify how others can also make a difference in the lives of children and families who face major challenges.
Hear or see anything exciting about one of the Shear Genius stylists, or Kim, Jaclyn, Kelly, and Rene? Drop us a line!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Shear Genius at Bravo's A-List Awards
Shear Genius Season 1 stylists Daisy Duchens (in a dress by Miami designer Alexis Barbara) and Theo Leaf joined other television and fashion personalities at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom for The A-List Awards presented by Bravo.
Photos courtesy of Wireimage.
An Angel Reunion?
Yes! According to Jaclyn Smith, there's a Charlie's Angels challenge this season - the original Angels, of which Jaclyn was a part for five seasons (1976 - 1981). Kate Jackson and Farrah Fawcett are both participating, and the challenge will involve recreating those famous hairdos.
Jaclyn says, "I thought it was challenging, because you think the simplicity of those styles. I think having some 'Angels' there was intimidating to some of the stylists. I think it was harder for them than just recreating [the hair styles] because we were there."
Looking forward to this challenge especially!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Shear Genius, Episode One Preview
Hi, BSG readers! Theminx here. I was excited to have the opportunity to view the first episode of Shear Genius. Let me say first of all that I loved it and think this will be an exciting season! The stylists all seem very talented across the board, and each of course has his or her own unique personality that should bring a lot of fun and drama to every episode.
There is a new, gorgeous Shear Genius Nexxus salon to work in this season, but the same stunning hostess in the form of Jaclyn Smith. After introducing the twelve contestants to the new head judge, Kim Vo, she asks them why they think they can win. Let me tell you, there is no shortage of confidence in the room!
Then Jaclyn informs them that each week there will be two challenges: a Short Cut challenge, and an Elimination Challenge. Kim wastes no time and gives them their first challenge, one which involves skill and agility…and a bit of fearlessness (and protective eyewear) on the part of the clients! The stylists are excited, yet a bit intimidated. Cutting ensues…and Kim judges. He’s impressed…and not impressed. And the winner is...! (Well, you’ll just have to wait until June 25th for that, huh?)
After the challenge, the stylists get to go home for the evening to the house they’ll be sharing for the season. The next morning, they head back to the salon and meet their mentor, that hunky Dane, Rene Fris, who announces their first elimination challenge: to create an interpretation of a famous hairstyle. This is something that stylists encounter every day in their own salons – requests to give clients Posh’s style, and remember Jennifer Aniston’s very-popular “the Rachel?” But this challenge has a bit of a twist….
At the Hair Show, models show off stylists’ work to Jaclyn and Kim, plus Allure Magazine’s West Coast editor Kelly Atterton, and a guest judge who is an internationally-known stylist to the stars. And the winner is.... I'm such a tease, aren't I? ;)
Overall, it was a fun fun episode and I already have some favorite stylists. I’m looking forward to the rest of the season and hope you are too!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tabatha Coffey at Bravo's A-List Awards
Season One Fan Favorite Tabatha was a nominee in the "Ultimate Fan Favorite" category at the Bravo A-List Awards. Did she win? Watch what happens Thursday, June 12th at 10 PM and see for yourself!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Welcome to Blogging Shear Genius
Thank you for joining us! Team BSG is happy to announce the launch of this new site and we are eagerly anticipating the premiere of season two on June 25th. BSG will feature Tbone's famous live-posting and parties for every episode. We'll also have the "reactions" posts and the polls and interviews that you have enjoyed on BPR.
We would love to have your input. What new features would you like to see on BSG? Are you a stylist that could provide insight into what exactly the contestants are doing or "Where they went wrong" on a challenge? Are you a blogger who is planning to recap this show? Do you know one of the stylists? We'd love to hear from you. Please write to Team BSG. Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Mentor Bio - Rene Fris
Born and raised in Denmark, Rene Fris started his own salon 15 years ago. His work behind the scenes in television and film led to an elite private clientele across the globe including many of Europe's royal families. Fris has become a household name in the styling world. His editorials and high-style reputation for hair cutting, coloring, and makeup have taken him around the world to places like Sydney, Japan, Italy, London and the United States. Quickly realizing his career was on the verge of international status, Fris decided to follow the "American Dream" by moving to New York in 1999.
Arriving in New York with over a decade of experience and an unconventional approach to style, Fris soon found himself as the head stylist at Elizabeth Arden's Red Door Salon and at Saks Fifth Avenue. The list of celebrities and models that have passed through his doors is endless, as he has had more than a hundred stylists working under him.
Fris' unique 'whole person' approach to style and uncanny personality sets him apart from the crowd in the minds of his clients. By genuinely getting to know who they are as people, he is able to consider their personality, lifestyle, and inner qualities to create an individual's personal statement. As Fris says, "You have to look deep inside a person and expose the beauty which they may not even see in themselves. It makes people feel confident and happier about themselves."
From the Red Door Salon and Spa, Fris went on to be a celebrity stylist for John Frieda salons in New York City. From there, Fris was selected to be a part of "Fab Five" in Europe, where the successful show garnered multiple seasons and more opportunities for him. He has written two best selling books – "his" and "hers" books covering grooming and overall body care.
With all of his accomplishments, Fris has not lost focus on what is most important. He has found a way of individually creating a style and fashion sensibility that his clients are comfortable with, thereby equating true happiness with the art of making people look and feel amazing.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Host Bio - Jaclyn Smith
For more than three decades, Jaclyn Smith has held the public's interest as an award winning actress, a designer and role model. She loves her family, her home, gardening, Tchaikovsky, baseball, "Gone with the Wind," her mother's cooking – and her dogs.
A native of Houston, Texas, Jaclyn put on her first pair of dancing shoes at the age of three. She studied drama at Trinity University and was soon in productions of "Bye Bye Birdie," "West Side Story," and "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." She left Texas to pursue her dream as a dancer in New York, was discovered by an agent and soon came into American homes as the Breck Girl – which led to contracts with Wella Balsam and Max Factor. While with Max Factor, she developed a new scent, Jaclyn Smith's California, which won best mass-produced fragrance the year in 1989 when it launched.
Hollywood beckoned, and before long she was appearing in popular series such as "McCloud," "The Rookies" and "Switch." In 1976, Smith starred as Kelly Garrett on "Charlie's Angels" and was the only actor to continue with the series for its five-year network run. Following "Charlie's Angels," Jaclyn earned a Golden Globe nomination for her critically acclaimed role in "Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy." Smith also starred in the mini-series "Rage of Angels," "George Washington," "Rage of Angels: The Story Continues," "The Bourne Identity," "Ordinary Miracles," "Family Album," and "Florence Nightingale," one of her favorite roles.
Smith has compiled an impressive filmography of more than 50 films and TV appearances. In 1989, Smith was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She was also featured in the popular television series "The District," "Becker," and "Hope and Faith."
In 1985, Smith entered the business world with the introduction of her collection of women's apparel for Kmart stores. Since that time more than 100 million women have purchased clothing or accessories bearing her name. Industry authority Woman's Wear Daily reported that the signature Jaclyn Smith line had the highest consumer awareness of any private label apparel brand in the country.
Smith entered the home furnishings market in 2002, and her latest collection, Jaclyn Smith Home, features furniture, bedding, textiles, rugs, wall coverings, fine art reproductions and home accents at affordable prices, available through select dealers. At the spring 2008 Home Furnishings Show, she debuted her own showroom featuring her furniture and accessories displayed in coordinating vignettes.
"I've been very fortunate," says the woman who has been named one of the "Most Beautiful People in the World" by People Magazine on two separate occasions. "My work has always been very exciting and interesting, but to me, my family must come first."
Husband, Bradley Allen, a pediatric cardiac surgeon, son, Gaston Anthony and daughter, Spencer Margaret, and her mother, Margaret Ellen, keep her centered and serve as her inspiration. "That's truly where my heart lies."
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Judge Bio - Kim Vo
An artist by choice and training, Kim Vo has turned hair into his canvas. Now recognized as a top colorist, he has dedicated himself to painting the perfect color on every head he works on. He is a renowned stylist to celebrities that include Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn, Kirsten Dunst, Kim Cattrall, Teri Hatcher, Lara Flynn Boyle and many more.
Born in Vietnam and raised in Europe, Vo eventually settled in Los Angeles where, after a stint at two of Beverly Hills' top salons, Cristophe and Prive, he opened B2V in 2001. Here he was able to develop and refine his own special approach to color, a technique that enables him to insure that hair and complexion are totally compatible and always with a natural look. His technique is that of a painter, layering the colors, shade by shade, on the head by lifting the hair, piece by piece, and applying color accordingly.
"I always make sure that the ultimate result has a layered or dappled look, much as that of a child's hair where the dominant color is intermingled with subtle tones highlights or lowlights depending on the base hue," says Vo.
Vo has made B2V a reflection of his philosophy – that the salon experience should be stress free, offering a warm relationship between the client and those he is serving.
Marrying his Vietnamese and French background, he also launched a unique product line for both hair care and hair styling, created for color-treated hair, in conjunction with the opening of his newest salon KIM VO at THE MIRAGE in Las Vegas.
Affiliated with L'Oreal as a master colorist and International Guest Artist, Vo has also developed his own collection of products for colored hair that soon will be available nationally. He says, "I plan to continue to develop technologically advanced products that will create new standards in consumer hair care."
In addition to his salon reputation as a top colorist, Vo is also known as "King of the TV Makeovers." A regular on the series Extreme Makeover, which he has been doing since its inception, he also regularly appears on E! Entertainment's "Daily l0," on USA, and Oxygen's show "Tease."
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Judge Bio - Kelly Atterton
Kelly Atterton, the West Coast editor of Allure magazine, styles photo shoots for up-and-coming celebrities for the "Allure's Face" page and reports on beauty and fashion in Los Angeles. Atterton also reports on celebrity trends, recently breaking news that a popular hair straightening treatment contained dangerously high levels of formaldehyde. Atterton has interviewed a number of celebrities including David and Victoria Beckham, Christina Aguilera, Carmen Electra, Nicollette Sheridan, Nicole Richie, and Brooke Shields, among many others. As the eyes and ears of Hollywood, Atterton has appeared on national and local television, including E! News Daily, E! Entertainment's Style Star and Good Day L.A. Prior to joining Allure, Atterton worked at Vanity Fair and Vogue.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Meet Paulo
PAULO – age 37
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Paulo has been in the hairstyling industry for over eighteen years. At the beginning of his career, he was personally trained by his mentors Irvine and Louise Rusk, inventors of the Rusk Cutting Method. With Rusk, he traveled the world sharing the methods of cutting and coloring with stylists. He opened his first salon, OMO24 Hair Studio, at the age of 24 in Los Gatos, CA. His most recent venture is an edgy New York loft style salon in the heart of the historical district in San Jose named Ego Mechanix Salon, where he personally trains and educates his staff along with providing courses to other hairstylists who want to learn new ways of creating modern edgy hair for individuals who want to stand out in the crowd and be noticed.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Meet Parker
PARKER – age 31
Hometown: Miami, FL
Parker began his career as a stylist by acquiring a bachelor's degree as a sculptor. At 24, he attended the renowned Vidal Sassoon Academy and then moved to West Palm Beach, Fl. There he met acclaimed hairstylist David K who is best known for his graceful method of dry cutting. Parker proved himself as David’s star pupil and in 2003 took a position at Klinger Advanced Aesthetics, where he was the first stylist to graduate the demanding Klinger Education Program. Parker’s work has appeared in magazines such as Rolling Stone, New Beauty, and Guitar World, and he has styled hair for various theater and television productions. While preparing to open the david K space, Parker currently splits his salon schedule between Gloss Salon in Boca Raton, Fl and Salon Mucci in West Palm Beach, Fl.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Meet Nicole
NICOLE – age 24
Hometown: Houston, TX
Resides in New York, NY
Born in Philadelphia, raised in Houston, Nicole was a stylist for four years before landing her dream job with renowned stylist Nick Arrojo in New York. Nicole has competed in eight national hair competitions and has done exceedingly well, placing in the top three each time. When she’s not working at Arrojo Studio, she’s traveling the nation with the Arrojo creative team, teaching workshops and classes at the nation’s biggest hair shows.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Meet Oshun
OSHUN – age 31
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Resides in Los Angeles, CA
Oshun first discovered his passion for hair at age 10 when his grandmother put a pair of clippers in his hands. From then on he knew exactly what he wanted to do, and went on to graduate top of his class at cosmetology school. Oshun then moved to Hollywood where he worked at BET as a celebrity hair stylist. His journey through Hollywood continued garnered him an Emmy nomination for his work on the soap opera “Passions” and an NBC period piece on Bollywood. He has worked on a number of productions including, NBC's “Passions,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Cold Case,” “CSI: Miami” and the feature film “Oceans 13.” He currently works as a personal hairstylist to the stars.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Meet Meredith
MEREDITH – age 36
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Resides in Chicago, IL
Meredith’s desire has always been to be a top stylist, and claims styling is what she was born to do. Growing up in a large family with her musician father and hairstylist mother, Meredith briefly attended fashion design school before realizing her true calling. She entered cosmetology school just outside of Cleveland and still uses her fashion education to focus on what she believes is the most important facet of style – hair. She went on to train at renowned salons such as Vidal Sasson, Aveda, and Tony and Guy, is currently a top-ranked educator for the Aveda Corporation, and has worked on several high-fashion events including Chicago Fashion Week. Meredith currently works at Salon V in Chicago.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Meet Nekisa
NEKISA – age 29
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Resides in Concord, CA.
Nekisa’s dream of being a hairstylist was realized at a young age, and she attended beauty school while still in high school and graduated from the International Beauty Academy at the age of 18. She worked as a stylist at various salons in the Bay Area before taking a position at KellyAnn’s Salon and Day Spa in Pleasant Hill, CA where she worked her way up to Master Stylist. Eventually, she decided that it was time to become an independent contractor and moved to Contradictions Salon in Lafayette, CA, where she was selected to join the Sebastian hair team as an educator. In 2006, she opened her own salon – Beauty Boutique Salon – where she says she is currently working to make her clients feel and look magnificent.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Meet Glenn
GLENN - age 36
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Resides in Decatur, AL
Although Glenn entered college a chemical engineering major, it didn’t take long for her figure out that this wasn’t her true calling. At 23, she entered cosmetology school at a local community college and never looked back, opening her own salon – Red Jasper Spa in Decatur, AL as an Aveda Concept Salon. Glenn’s work has been showcased in multiple trade and consumer magazines, and she has even worked as a hairstylist at New York Fashion Week. For the last three years, Glenn has volunteered her time and talents to North Alabama’s “Mission: Makeover” program, giving well-deserving people within the community a new look.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.
Meet Matthew
MATTHEW – age 37
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Matthew attended cosmetology school in Dallas in 1988, and now owns his own salon. He was trained at prestigious salons including Vidal Sassoon, Trevor Sorbie, The Doves and Yosh Toya. Whether the hair is edgy and trendy or classic and sophisticated, Matt believes in very consistent and technically sound work. He strives to make all his work balanced and believes the most important thing to consider when working on a client is the outcome of beautiful, sexy hair. Matt currently works with his wife of four years, who is also a hairdresser at his salon, Matthew Tully Hairdressing in Dallas.
Image and bio courtesy of Bravo.